why do we get jeles?? how does jealousy work?? That bad energy, where does it come from???
Today De.Z had an argument with my love... I called her and I heard her other phone ringing.. So I asked her who that was.. She simply said an sms... I asked from who??? She pronounced another guy's name... I reacted probably like a fool I am simply said good bye and take care... Was that appropriate? It seemed like it at that time, but now I feel like a complete idiot... If only she knew how I felt.. I'm sorry my beloved one... Truly sorry....
ko neh.. tak baik tuduh2 tanpa soal siasat weii...
oo.. kalo ko naik org dtg blog ko neh.. ko kena gi bloghopping which means visit and komen blog org lain....
ko join la ini..
utk promote blog ko neh....
kak ipar kan
oit jard,
ko kan pemes, senang je tu nk wat iklan
erk. adik ipar lah?
eh apa2 lah.
Hai Jard.
eh salah2.
Hai DR Z!
Love sees sharply, hatred sees even more sharp, but Jealousy sees the sharpest for it is love and hate at the same time
woo kawie...
mcm otai cinta jerk nih..
bile mo kawen bro?
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